Inventory Tracker for SP-EFT

Download Link: 1.5.0
Last Update:
1.5.0Automatic ini file update when doing a refresh
1.4.2Compatibility upgrade for Aki 3.7.0
1.4.1Added missing "Lightkeeper" trader
1.4.0Compatibility upgrade for Aki 3.6.*
1.3.0Added links to items' Wiki pages
Added trader names to quest listings
1.2.1Fixed issue where some quest placement items were not listed
1.2.0Certain Hideout areas can be ignored, if playing in Hardcore Mode.
1.1.0Now also considers daily/weekly quests
Option to ignore stash for hardcore modes

This tool checks which items you need for any open quests or Hideout constructions,
either for the currently active tasks, or any future ones.

It can also send the list of needed items to my trainer, so that it will automatically
search for those items.

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