Yes! Check out Virtual Battlefield Systems 1 (VBS1), an OFP-based military simulation system for real grunts.
According to this Gamespot UK article, the US Marine Corps began using VBS1 as of February 2002 for military training simulations.
VBS1 is a joint venture involving OFP's very own BIS (obviously) and Coalescent Technologies Corporation (CTC). CTC has some pages up that give you a rundown of what VBS1 is about. A good introduction on VBS1 can be found here. More specific information can be found on this page and on this one.
The VBS1 site now has a serious screenshots page here. Before that page became available, I was of sound enough mind to save some pictures for you folks that were previously released. What would you do without me! Enjoy!
New pictures, added April 1, 2002:
New Pictures, added May 5, 2002:
New Pictures, added May 27,2002:
New Pictures, added June 2002, with the permission and courtesy of now-defunt website Inside OFP:
New Pictures, added July 4, 2002:
New Picture, added October 21, 2002: