The maps on this page are oriented the way they're used internally in the game.
As we are working with a lot of in-game coordinates here, it is the most straightforward to just show the map in the way the game interprets it (where X increases to the right, i.e. "East", and z increases to the top, i.e. "North").
The compass that's displayed in-game has a correction value for each map (90, 180 or 270 deg), which is added to the "real" direction when the compass is displayed.
"The loot positions are off!"
The loot (& Exfil) positions are correct (as we are using the actual in-game data), but some of the maps are not 100% accurate.
That's why a few of the (automatically populated) positions might be a bit off in some locations.
"There is no loot at the indicated positions!"
The markers only show potential loot positions. Whether they are actually filled, or used, in-game is decided randomly.
This applies especially to loose loot, which might have 1,000 potential positions defined, but only a dozen are used in a session.
"What's the point of the coordinates? We don't see them anywhere!"