TITLE: OFPN EU 1.02 (Operation Flashpoint Network Editor Update 1.02) Version: 1.02 Author: James "Gunslinger" Wohlever Additional Authors: Kegetys of http://koti.mbnet.fi/kegetys/flashpoint/ Mustang60 of IRC #ofpedit Thanks to: Ondrej Spanel of Bohemia Interactive Studios Tools Used: UltraEdit and PaintShop Pro Time to Create: 52 hours Requirements: Version 1.10 or later of Operation Flashpoint VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------- 1.02 8 - 21 -2001 - Fixed Several Houses not showing up. - At request made SCUD's More Explosive - Removed small yield AP mine - Created Floatable Water Mine (To be used in Water.. duh :) - Removed Fuel from Mines - Restructed files to be compatible with up coming versions - Removed the Following: AT Sniper These were removed because of internal changes expected in upcoming patch. - Super HE Mine Added. Very Powerful. - Plastic Explosive Renamed Satchel Charge and more explosive. - You should no longer "hear" land mines. - AI has better path finding around mines. If they SEE the mines they will automatically avoid them. To force a group over a mine area place a waypoint at minefield. - Mines much more sensitive to tampering or being shot. Indirect hits will now cause mines to explode. - General Syntax errors corrected. 1.00 - First Public Release 8-14-2001 What is OFPN EU? ------------------ OFPN EU (hereby called EU) is a huge add-on to the mission editor of Operation Flashpoint. Adding support for nearly 500 new objects, this add-on also chnages the behaviour of these added in items. Scroll down below to the "FEATURES" list to see everything included. How do I install? ------------------- If you have Version 1.00 of OFPN EU then delete the EditorUpdate1.pbo from your ADD-ONS folder. FAILURE TO REMOVE THIS FILE WILL CAUSE OFP TO CRASH AFTER YOU INSTALL OFPN EU 1.20 Just run the OFPNEU12.EXE and click Browse and Navigate to your Operation Flashpoint Add-ons directory. If you do not have an Add-ons directory then you do not have version 1.10 or later. Once you locate the add-ons directory, simply allow the program to extract the files to the proper places. Your done. Run Operation Flashpoint, go to the editor and look at all the new objects you can use. Is This program safe or will FADE get me? --------------------------------------- As long as you have the RETAIL version of the game you will no problems. This add-on does not modify the game files in ANYWAY. Nor does it write anything to the registry or system.ini files. To stop using the add-on simply remove the EditorUpdate1.pbo file from your add-ons folder. Can I play missions others have created with the add-on? --------------------------------------------------------- Yes, you do need the add-on installed to use these missions. If playing multiplayer, all parties must have add-on. I purposely made the add-on small so eveyone can grab it. Is this add-on safe with other add-ons? ----------------------------------------- This add-on is compatabile with any offical add-ons by Codemasters. It has not been tested with third party add-ons and no guarantees are made in that regard. Why did you do this? ---------------------- Because the mission editor, being good by itself, was still lacking the full potential. I simply enabled objects already in the files for your use. For the special items like AP mines and exploding SCUD bombs I just used existing code to achieve the desired results. I did take some liberties with renaming objects to English understanding. Please Explain some of the new Features -------------------------------------------- New Ammo Depots Buildings Buildings Smoke when destroyed. New Exciting Explosives Lots and lots of new objects Lessens the need for outside editing and scripts (to a degree) New Icons created for all objects. How do I use the AP Mines/Explosives ? ------------------------------------------------- This will work with: Small Floating Water Mine (make sure to put: this canFloat 1 in INIT field) AP Mine Super HE Mine BOMB Satchel Charge Explosive MorterShell Explosive ArtilleryShell Explosive Maveric Missile Explosive AT Missile Explosive SCUD Missile Explosive HK MP5-SD Explosive AK-47 Mortar Explosive AT-4 SpigotB Explosive M-16 Mortar Ok, to get an AP Mine to work, first choose one. The kill radius increases with size. The AP Mine is hard to see. Place the mine on your map in the editor. Give the mine a name like mine1 Make sure to select LOCKED as the mine's properties. Next you need to decide if this will be a "smart" mine or a "dumb" mine. A msart mine will not blow up when your team or civvies step on it. A dumb mine will blow up regardless of who touches it. Both mine types will explode if shot or if heavy equipment drives over them. To make a smart mine: Place a trigger with a radius of about 5 by 5 directly over mine. In the ACTIVATION Section select EAST if your are a west soldier and vice versa if you are West. Choose ONCE as the activation type. In the ON ACTIVATION field type minename setdammage 1 For example, if my mine was called mine1 I would put: mine1 setdammage 1 in the ON ACTIVATION field for the trigger. Mine will now explode whenever a western unit walks into trigger area. TO make a DUMB AP mine (My favorite): Place a trigger NEAR the mine but not touching the mine icon. Give it a radius of no more than 8 by 8 for small mines. In the ACTIVATION Section choose ANYONE. If you are trying this and your mine keeps exploding as soon as the mission starts then you are probably placing the dumb mine in the trigger area. In the ON ACTIVATION section type minename setdammage 1 For example, if my mine was called mine1 I would put: mine1 setdammage 1 in the ON ACTIVATION field for the trigger. Mine will now explode whenever ANY unit walks/drives/flys into trigger area. As for the Explosive Scud and other missiles try this. Place a Explosive scud on the map. Give it the FLYING special setting. Make sure you are a couple hundred feet away :) Will this be updated? ----------------------- As I learn more about the game engine, or new tools become available then yes, I hope so. FEATURES LIST (Please Read) -------------------------------- Parachute Place as FLYING to have them parachute in WireTower A Climbable, Usable Tower that falls over when damaged SteelTower A Steel Reinforced A Climbable, Usable Tower that does not destroy. // EFFECTS EFFECT Light Flar A non light throwing flare effect EFFECT Crater A good effect ofr making war town eviroments. Does not dissappear EFFECT Small Flare Light A non light throwing flare effect EFFECT Left Boot Print A bootprint that disappears when damaged EFFECT Right Boot Print A bootprint that disappears when damaged EFFECT Shrapnel Shrapnel that bounces around when hit. Good to place over areas that will explode EFFECT Shrapnel 2 Shrapnel that bounces around when hit. Good to place over areas that will explode EFFECT Shrapnel 3 Shrapnel that bounces around when hit. Good to place over areas that will explode EFFECT Shrapnel 4 Shrapnel that bounces around when hit. Good to place over areas that will explode EFFECT Shrapnel 5 Shrapnel that bounces around when hit. Good to place over areas that will explode // EXPLOSIVES Small Floating Water Mine To use: place & name mine. Put this canFloat 1 in mine INIT field. Place as LOCKED.Put trigger near mine. In "On Activation" field for trigger put minename setdammage 1 Now mine will that matches that name will explode when trigger goes off. AP Mine To use: place & name mine. Place as LOCKED.Put trigger near mine. In "On Activation" field for trigger put minename setdammage 1 Now mine will that matches that name will explode when trigger goes off. Super HE Mine To use: place & name mine. Place as LOCKED.Put trigger near mine. In "On Activation" field for trigger put minename setdammage 1 Now mine will that matches that name will explode when trigger goes off. BOMB Satchel Charge To use: place & name bomb. Place as LOCKED.Put trigger near bomb. In "On Activation" field for trigger put bombname setdammage 1 Now bomb will that matches that name will explode when trigger goes off. Explosive MorterShell A Mortershell that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive ArtilleryShell A ArtilleryShell that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive Maveric Missile A Maveric Missile that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive AT Missile A AT Missile that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive SCUD Missile A SCUD Missile that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive HK MP5-SD A HK MP5-SD that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive AK-47 Mortar A AK-47 Mortar that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive AT-4 SpigotB A AT-4 SpigotB that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. Explosive M-16 Mortar A M-16 Mortar that explodes when dropped or damaged. Place as LOCKED. //Guerrila CASTLE Tower E Fortified Resistance Building (Now Indestructable) CASTLE Destroyed Tower E Fortified Resistance Building (Now Indestructable) CASTLE Ruins Fortified Resistance Building CASTLE Ruins 2 Fortified Resistance Building CASTLE Ruins 3 Fortified Resistance Building //WEST FUEL Military FuelStation Camo Covered FuelStation. Will Refuel vechiles. AMMO WEST Storage Bunker Gives You Large Weapons Ammo AMMO WEST Weapons Garage Gives You Large Weapons Ammo AMMO WEST M-16 Stash Gives You Small Weapons Ammo AMMO WEST MachineGun Box Gives You M60 Machingun Latrin WEST Static Artillery WEST Non Usable Artillery WoodTower WEST Officers Quarters WEST Storage Building E WEST Enterable Building Static Repair Shed WEST MessHall WEST Offices WEST Records House WEST Barrecks WEST Command HQ E WEST Enterable Building. Very High Points Value GateHouse WEST Aircraft Hanger E WEST Enterable Building Static Service Garage WEST Tank Garage WEST Soldier Tent WEST Static RepairShop WEST Gate Arm WEST Camo Netting WEST Camo Netting 2 WEST Tank Ramp WEST Steel RampStop WEST Concrete Wall WEST Concrete Walls WEST PaperTruck Target WEST Concrete Block WEST Parachute Pack WEST BunkBeds WEST Static NightVision Glasses WEST MASH Tent WEST Heals Player MASH Cabinet WEST Medicine box that will heal player MASH Trauma Unit WEST Medical Building Will Heal Player CamoNet Bunker WEST Fortified Bunker (added more armor from default) SandBag Wall WEST Fortified Bunker (added more armor from default) SandBag Wedge WEST Fortified Bunker (added more armor from default) //EAST FUEL Military FuelStation EAST Camo Covered FuelStation. Will Refuel vechiles. AMMO Storage Bunker EAST Gives You Large Weapons Ammo AMMO Weapons Garage EAST Gives You Large Weapons Ammo AMMO M-16 Stash EAST Gives You Small Weapons Ammo AMMO MachineGun Box EAST Gives You M60 Machingun Latrine EAST Static Artillery EAST Non Usable Artillery WoodTower EAST Officers Quarters EAST Storage Building E EAST Enterable Building Static Repair Shed EAST MessHall EAST Offices EAST Records House EAST Barrecks EAST Command HQ E EAST Enterable Building. Very High Points Value GateHouse EAST Aircraft Hanger E EAST Enterable Building Static Service Garage EAST Tank Garage EAST Soldier Tent EAST Static RepairShop EAST Gate Arm EAST Camo Netting EAST Camo Netting 2 EAST Tank Ramp EAST Steel RampStop EAST Concrete Wall EAST Concrete Walls EAST PaperTruck Target EAST Concrete Block EAST Parachute Pack EAST BunkBeds EAST Static NightVision Glasses EAST MASH Tent EAST Heals Player MASH Cabinet EAST Medicine box that will heal player MASH Trauma Unit EAST Medical Building Will Heal Player CamoNet Bunker EAST Fortified Bunker (added more armor from default) SandBag Wall EAST Fortified Bunker (added more armor from default) SandBag Wedge EAST Fortified Bunker (added more armor from default) // CIVILIAN FLAG on 30ft Pole A Flag on a pole. FLAG on 10ft Pole A Flag on a pole. FLAG on 6ft Pole A Flag on a pole. FLAG on 6ft Pole 2T A Flag on a pole. FLAG on 2ft Pole A Flag on a pole. FLAG on No Pole A Flag FLAG on No Pole 2 A Flag FLAG on Huge No Pole A Flag FUEL Civilian GasStation Civilian Fuel Station. Gives Fuel GRAVE HeadStone New Grave Headstone GRAVE Headstone 2 New Grave Headstone GRAVE Cross of Jesus New Grave Headstone DUMMY Civilian Sitting Good for target practice or decoys. DUMMY Sitting CivPilot Good for target practice or decoys. DUMMY Sitting Medic 2 Good for target practice or decoys. DUMMY Sitting Medic 3 Good for target practice or decoys. DUMMY Sitting Medic 4 Good for target practice or decoys. HOUSE Burned 2Flr HOUSE Burned 2Flr 2 HOUSE Burned 2Flr 3 HOUSE Burned 2Flr 4 HOUSE Burned PubHotel HOUSE Destroyed WallSection HOUSE Destroyed E Enterable Building HOUSE Destroyed E 2 Enterable Building HOUSE Destroyed E 3 Enterable Building HOUSE Destroyed Foundation CHURCH Destroyed E Enterable Building HOUSE GarageHouse HOUSE 1flr HOUSE 1flr 2 HOUSE 1flr 3 HOUSE 1flr 4 HOUSE 2flr HOUSE 2flr 2 HOUSE 2flr 3 HOUSE 2flr 4 HOUSE 2flr 5 HOUSE 2flr 6 HOUSE 2flr 7 HOUSE 2flr 8 HOUSE 2flr 9 HOUSE 2flr 10 HOUSE 3flr HOUSE Closed Resturant HOUSE HayBarn HOUSE Water Fountain CHURCH European CHURCH European 2 CHAPEL Spanish HOUSE Stone Lighthouse HOUSE 1flr E Enterable Building HOUSE 1flr E 2 Enterable Building HOUSE 1flr E 3 Enterable Building HOUSE 1flr E 4 Enterable Building HOUSE 1flr E 5 Enterable Building HOUSE Duplex E Enterable Building HOUSE 2flr E Enterable Building HOUSE 2flr E 2 Enterable Building HOUSE 2flr E 3 Enterable Building HOUSE 2flr Pub E Enterable Building HOUSE 3flr E Enterable Building CHURCH Spanish E Enterable Building (tower) HOUSE Destroyed 1Flr E Enterable Building HOUSE HayBarn E Enterable Building HOUSE Covered Pier E Usuable Bridge. HOUSE Pier E Usuable Bridge. HOUSE Pier Entrance E For use with Pier parts above. Allows access onto bridge. HOUSE LightHouse Raised HOUSE Rock Overwatch HOUSE Rock Overwatch 2 FENCE Destroyed YardFence Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE YardFence Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE YardFence 2 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Long YardFence Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE BarbedChainlink Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE BarbedChainlink 2 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE BarbedChainlink 3 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE ChainLink Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE ChainLink Torn Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE WireMesh Gate Closes Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE WireMesh Gate Open Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE WireMesh Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Concrete Column Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Concrete Column 2 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelGate Closed Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelGate Closed 2 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelGate Open Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelGate Open 2 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelFence Closed Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelFence Open Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelMesh Fence Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Wood Fence Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE RedWhite Pole Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE ConcreteGate Closed Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE ConcreteGate Open Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE SteelWall Indestructable Wall FENCE SteelWall 2 Indestructable Wall FENCE SteelWall 3 Indestructable Wall FENCE SteelDoors Indestructable Doors FENCE SteelDoors Open Indestructable Gate FENCE WoodWall Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE WoodWall 2 Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Damaged WoodWall Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Destroyed WoodWall Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE RockWall Fences WILL now fall over when destroyed (diff armor values for types) FENCE Steel TankSpike Will stop a tank FENCE Wood VehicleSpike Will stop a light vehicle FENCE Rolled BarbedWire Will stop a soldier FENCE Low Wood Something to trip over BUSH Long Section Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Large Section Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Large Section 2 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Large Section 3 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Huge Leafy Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Tall Leafy Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Section Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Section 2 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Section 3 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Section 4 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Section 5 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafy Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafy 2 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafy 3 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafy 4 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafy 5 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafy 6 Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Medium Leafless Not good cover :) BUSH Small Leafy Bushes will now EVAPORATE or Fall over depending on explosion or bush type when destroyed. Much more realistic I feel BUSH Small Leafless Not good cover :) GRASS Tall Wheat Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS Kentucky Bluegrass Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS YellowFlowered Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS RabbitGrass Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS Lilacs Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS Weed Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS Weed 2 Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed GRASS Weed 3 Grasses evaporate or flatten when destroyed TREE Huge Leafy Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Leafy 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Leafy 3 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Leafy 4 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Pine Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Pine 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Cedar Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Huge Cedar 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 3 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 4 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 5 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 7 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 8 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 9 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Leafy 10 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Pine Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Cedars Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large PineShrub Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large WeepingWillow Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Large Felled Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 3 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 4 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 5 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 6 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 7 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafy 8 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Pine Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Pine 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium BrownPine Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium BrownPine 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium BrownPine 3 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium CherryTree Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafless Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium Leafless Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Medium DeadPine Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Small Leafy Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Small Leafy 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Small Pine Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Small Pine 2 Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Small Cedar Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Small Apple Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Short Round Leafy Trees Fall over when destroyed. Size determines push over ease. TREE Stump Stumps can not be destroyed TREE Stump 2 Stumps can not be destroyed FOREST E ENTERABLE Forest Section :) FOREST E 2 ENTERABLE Forest Section :) FOREST E 3 ENTERABLE Forest Section :) FOREST NON-Enterable Forest Section (use in places player will not go) FOREST 2 NON-Enterable Forest Section (use in places player will not go) FOREST 3 NON-Enterable Forest Section (use in places player will not go) WOODS E ENTERABLE Woods Section :) WOODS E 2 ENTERABLE Woods Section :) WOODS E 3 ENTERABLE Woods Section :) WOODS NON-Enterable Woods Section (use in places player will not go) WOODS 2 NON-Enterable Woods Section (use in places player will not go) ROAD Taxiway Curved Long Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Curved Medium Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Curved VeryShort Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Curved Short Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Striaght Long Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Straight Medium Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Straight Short Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway Into Ground Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway-Paved T Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway-Dirt T Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Taxiway T Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved-Taxiway T Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved-Taxiway 4way Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Medium Curve Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Medium Curve 2 Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Medium Straight Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Long Straight Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Short Straight Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Blends Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Long Curve Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved Short Curve Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved T Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Paved-Dirt T Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Curve Long Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Curve Short 2 Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Curve Medium Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Curve Medium 2 Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Straight Medium Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Straight Long Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Straight Short Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. ROAD Dirt Blend Road sounds work, but vehicles do NOT speed up. SIGN Route 40 Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Hospital Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Water Port Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Danger Ahead Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Road On Left Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Road On Right Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Yield Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Cattle Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Gas Station Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Soft Shoulder Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Stop Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN 12 Degree Hill Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN 32 Degree Hill Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN S Curve Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Left Curve Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Right Curve Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Highways Merge Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN Detour Signs fall over when destroyed SIGN T Intersection Signs fall over when destroyed ROCK Large Irregular Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Large Irregular 2 Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Large Irregular 3 Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Large Irregular 4 Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Long Brown Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Tall Yellow Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Tall Granite Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Tall Granite 2 Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Medium Yellow Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Yellow 2 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Yellow 3 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Yellow 4 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 2 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 3 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 4 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 5 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 6 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 7 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Medium Granite 8 Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Small Clustered Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Small Clustered 2 Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Small Clustered 3 Rock does not Move or destroy. ROCK Tiny Round Rocks will move from high explosives ROCK Tiny Round 2 Rocks will move from high explosives Notebook Open Notebook Closed Notebook Closed 2 Picture ID GPS Device Compass WristWatch Steel Handrail Steel Handrail 2 Clipboard Soccer Ball Binoculars Telephone Pole Telephone Pole that falls over when destroyed (falls toward facing direction) Telephone Pole 2 Telephone Pole that falls over when destroyed (falls toward facing direction) StreetLamp Light Pole that falls over when destroyed (falls toward facing direction) Does not light :( StreetLamp 2 Light Pole that falls over when destroyed (falls toward facing direction) Does not light :( Dinner Bell Walkie Talkie Wood Cabinet Green Metal Cabinet White Cabinet Bedroom Stand Wood Bed Steel Bed Toilet Bowl Bathroom Sink Entertainment Center Entertainment Center 2 Kitchen Sink Coal Stove Wood Stove Gas Oven Refrigerator Wood Chest Dresser Lamp Fixture Coffee Table Coffee Table 2 Oak Hutch Old Hutch Burgandy Sofa Brown Sofa Rose Sofa Rose Recliner Framed Picture Framed Picture 2 Framed Picture 3 Framed Picture 4 Radio 1940s Telephone TV Computer 1981 Laptop PC Closed WorkDesk Lamp BOTTLE Baileys Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Barbero Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Martini Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Napoleon Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Seagrams Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Whiskey Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Group Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Group 2 Liquer bottles bounce around when shot BOTTLE Jack Daniels Liquer bottles bounce around when shot Book Black Bookshelf Trashcan PaintCan Plant in Bottle Office Desk Office Desk 2 Cardboard Box Small Cardboard Box Medium Cardboard Box Large Metal Storage Lockers Headlight Human Head Don't ask me ;) };