How many campaign missions are there?

There are over 40 missions in the 1985 Campaign. Here's a list of them all:

  1. Training
  2. Flashpoint
  3. Combined Arms
  4. Camping
  5. Alert
  6. Montignac Must Fall
  7. After Montignac
  8. Strange Meeting
  9. Rescue
  10. Undercover
  11. Night Patrol
  12. Hold Malden
  13. Defender
  14. Tank Training
  15. Battle at Houdan
  16. Interdiction
  17. Spearhead
  18. Pathfinder
  19. Tank Rally
  20. Unfinished Business
  21. Taking Command
  22. Scouting
  23. Turning the Tide
  24. Sabotuer
  25. Guardian
  26. Return to Eden
  27. Hind Attack
  28. Rolling Thunder
  29. Airborne
  30. Air Superiority
  31. Recon
  32. Killdozer
  33. Air Assault
  34. Wake Up Call
  35. Planes Start
  36. Maverick
  37. Counter Strike
  38. Escaping From Prison
  39. Incursion
  40. Search And Destroy
  41. Red Dawn
  42. Status Quo

Some of these missions are bonus missions for a job well done. If your campaign book doesn't show one of the missions mentioned above, you might want to consider reverting back to the mission before the skipped mission and play it again in the hopes of earning a higher score and a chance to play the bonus mission.