Can some translate the Russian dialogue in mission Escape from Prison?

I can't but OFP player Tovarish can:

Here it is, boys and girls. I've just replayed Escape from Prison and here is the transcript:

[Officer when you begin]

“What is it you plan to do? Don’t fall out of line, or you will see…”

[Soldier if you don’t get in right away]

“Sit down in the chopper! We don’t have time!”

[Soldiers talking in chopper] – this is hard to make out because of the chopper’s noise, but two of them seem to be talking about a hot new chick at the base, probably a nurse. Then another one says something like “Yep, we’re getting drunk soon”

[SpetzNatz when you land]

“You’re here! Little American, we’ve been expecting you. Follow me, and don’t even try anything stupid”

(If you don’t follow)

“What is it you plan to do?”

(At the tent)

“Go in the tent, Little American”

(When you go in)

“Rest, Little American, you can doze here”

[SpetzNatz to guard]

“Watch him, he can’t be allowed to escape”

(If you step out)

[guards overlapping]

“What’s Happening?! Get back now!!”

“Hey! Get back!”

(if you keep going)

“Fire! The bastard is escaping!”

OR if you wait for the UAZ


“Get up! Follow us!”

(they drive you to the beach)

“This, Little American, is your last minute. You have one minute to pray, if you’re the praying sort.” [BANG]